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Upcoming schedule

Saturday, April 19, 2025
South Lawn | Gore Place
266 Waltham Street, Watertown, MA 02472

1. Sign Up
2. Waiver
3. Confirmation

Tournament XXVI – Estimated Schedule

Grades 04 – 12 | 12:00 – 1:15 pm | 8 scoring rounds | 11 – 16 yards* | One combined bracket, separate divisions (Grades 04 – 07 and Grades 08 – 12)

Adults 18 and up | 1:45 – 2:45 pm | 8 scoring rounds | 12 – 25 yards*

This fun introduction to friendly competition is open to all current and former On the Mark Archery students. Invite your friends and family members to cheer you on as we move into April with our Tournament XXVI shootout! All equipment is provided, but participants may use their own recurve bows if pre-approved*.

  • PARENTS  – KNOW your child’s preferred bow sticker letter / number BEFORE completing this form. Bows are assigned on a first come, first served basis. Replacements will be given if your 1st choice is taken.
  • Limited capacity: 20 students per age group
  • *Distances are pre-set based on individual experience level determined by the instructors. 
  • Wooden recurve barebows only without sights, stabilizers or attachments / top inside limbs must be left blankPOUNDAGE LIMIT 30#
  • Entry fee is $40 per archer PRIOR to deadline of Saturday, April 12; $10 late fee added on afterwards 
  • Weather – Shine only – if we have to cancel, tickets will be refunded or credited (if you prefer) towards an Open Range / future Tournament XXVII in June
  • Enrollment – In the spirit of competitive fun, we need a minimum of 12 archers per age group to run each bracket as indicated above. Any changes or combinations will be announced after the registration deadline is closed.
  • Archers, good luck and have fun!
1. Sign Up
2. Waiver
3. Confirmation